- Coeur d’Alene Mountains
- There are several campsites at the lake. A better one, and secluded, is at the far end of the lake. There is a vault toilet at the first trailhead.
- Excellent. Circumnavigating the lake is a bit challenging.

You can chose to start this hike at Thompson Pass, hiking the first 1.25 miles on an easy forest road, or drive to the second trailhead if you don’t mind driving through the encroaching alder brush. Cars shouldn’t have any problems on the forest road, but the turnaround at the end is rather small and may not accommodate larger trailers. From the second trailhead, a single-track leads uphill into the forest and soon emerges onto an expansive open talus slope with views to the north and south. After crossing the talus, the trail continues southwestwards through a forested area to Cascade Gulch, a pretty creek surrounded by all kinds of verdure, especially ferns. The creek is easily traversed with the help of a few strategically placed rocks. Shortly after the crossing a well-beaten path heads off to the left to a small waterfall.

Return to the main trail, which now turns northbound and ascends the east flank of Granite Peak, turning at a single switchback at the 2.5-mile mark (from Thompson Pass) and continues due south to the tree-ringed lake.

There are campsites to the left and right side of the lake. In fact, when we got there at least five parties were setting up camp and a sixth prepared to occupy a space just vacated. Be ready for company if you camp at Revett Lake during the peak summer months!

An overgrown path leads around the lake, but in some spots turns into a bit of a bushwhack. Whoever endures, however, is well rewarded, for a pretty campsites awaits at the southwestern end of the lake where a gurgling brook empties into the lake. A small grass-covered peninsula pokes into the lake, complete with firering. A tent pad is at the ready beneath the cooling firs. Perfect!
There are two geocaches along the way, one halfway up, the other at the lake.
Alternate Routes
- Start at the end of FR #266; this clips 2.5 miles off the roundtrip mileage. Circumnavigating the lake is about a mile. The bare minimum hike is 3 miles roundtrip.
Things to Consider
Not so great